February 13, 2011

The What and The Why

I may have, accidentally but kind of on purpose started a new blog. You see I already have two of my own and contribute to two others so starting yet another one puts me in the category of "what is she thinking" but here's the thing, I really like blogging and I have a really good idea! I had to do it! haha!

I'm Culinary Challenged and that's putting it nicely. I'm a terrible cook, just terrible! I burn Pillsbury Apple Turnovers everytime I make them which begs the question as to why I keep buying them! It's become a standing joke between me and my dear hubs for quite some time. Well I've just moved into a fancy new house, with a fancy new kitchen, complete with a fancy new oven and I'm bound and determined to figure this whole cooking thing out. So I've started a blog and I'm challenging myself to make a new recipe every week and post it along with pictures and details on how my culinary adventure went down.

I can't promise that the pictures will be gorgeous and I can't promise that the posts will be the whittiest things you've ever read (as I'm language arts challenged as well) but I can promise a new recipe each week (I'll try my best) and some fun along the way.

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